Saturday, September 22, 2012

Special Calls for Submissions

Current Special Calls


Gemstones are a fun series with a gemstone theme completely and solely interpreted by the author (i.e. Using the stone itself, the color of the stone, the mystical meaning of the stone, the area the stone is mined, use your imagination). We're looking for unique takes on the theme, interesting characters, and attention to storyline. If multiple stories are submitted which fit the theme, more than one Gemstone may run.
• 10,000 words and up
• standard royalty rates apply
• exclusive electronic 2 year contract
Please email questions and submissions to with Gemstones in the subject line.
See our general guidelines for formatting and general submission information.


Spectrums are currently open for submissions.
Just pick a color and run with it. Whether you go with what the color looks like, the feelings it evokes, or the emotions associated with it, let the color be your guide.
These stories will be at least 10,000 words (but can be longer), and have a happy ever after (or at least happy for now) ending in any genre. We're looking to do all the colors of the rainbow from Alabaster to Zymenchlora.
A particular color will only be available once per year. Please email questions and submissions to with Spectrums in the subject line.
See our general guidelines for formatting and general submission information.

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